Simple HTML/CSS/JavaScript Playlist & Music Player

This is just a music player similar to the one on this website. There isn't much documentation for it yet but feel free to check it out. This is the music player just by itself.

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Untitled Platformer In The Works

Been working on a game on the Unity Engine due to the tools avaliable to animate a 2D character in-game without any third party plugins or programs. I had some experimenting with rhubarb automatic lip-syncing with Unity and it works perfectly. A lot more work is needed to perfect the mechanics and the cutscenes.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Created a blockchain using python to understand how the technology works. Also made a clone of Litecoin which is already a fork of Bitcoin. I cannot release any nodes to the public due to it being unmaintained and unsercure. However, I will make an update on GitHub soon.

Infinite Scroll & Isotope Website Layout

A website with the same functionality as this one and uses various JavaScript plugins. InfiniteScroll appends posts from another page without having a backend, mansonry is for the layout for the posts similar to pinterest (like bricklaying), isotope can sort and filter the posts and finally imagesLoaded will makes sure the images are loaded first before the InfiniteScroll appends them.

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